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Latinx Smoking Cessation App

Project Objective
We worked with Texas-based and NIH funded Health Behavior Solutions to design and develop an 8-week smoking cessation program aimed at the Latinx community. Our goal was to simultaneously improve mental health and smoking behavior by emphasizing the need to target smoking and anxiety sensitivity at the same time.
Challenge: Understanding and Connecting with the Latinx Community
How can we effectively create an app that connects with the Latinx community?

To answer this question, we committed a lot of time to researching our audience and determining who this app was for. Part of the team traveled to Houston, TX to interview a set of participants to truly understand what people are looking for in an app to quit smoking. Beyond just the look and feel of the app, the team took into consideration the style of communication, use of proper or improper Spanish, and whether content should be more relaxed or more structured.

We asked questions about peoples’ daily routines with the goal to make this app merge with their schedule and not be a pain. Quitting smoking is hard enough, so the last thing we wanted was to add ONE MORE thing to someone’s already busy life!
Research Approach
Audience Research: Our team conducted interviews to understand the target audience’s preferences, lifestyle, and values, ensuring the app would seamlessly integrate into their daily routines.

Communication Style: We evaluated the style of communication, ensuring the app’s content was not only linguistically appropriate but also culturally relevant, whether it required a more relaxed or structured approach.

Ease of Integration: Recognizing the challenges of quitting smoking, we aimed to design an app that seamlessly merged with users’ schedules, minimizing the impact on their busy lives.
UX Design: Bridging Cultural Sensitivity with Seamless Interaction
In crafting the UX design for the smoking cessation app, our focus was on creating an experience that not only resonated with the Latinx community but also facilitated intuitive and effortless interaction. The family-centered approach dictated not only the content strategy but also influenced the app’s navigation and layout. 

To ensure cultural sensitivity, the user interface incorporated familiar visual elements and symbols that held significance within the Latinx culture. The use of darker hues not only addressed potential eye strain concerns but also contributed to a calming and inviting visual atmosphere, aligning with the goal of improving mental well-being. Emphasis was placed on legibility and accessibility, accommodating users of varying ages and technological familiarity. 

User journeys were meticulously mapped to mirror daily routines, ensuring that participants could seamlessly integrate the app into their lives. The result is an aesthetically pleasing, culturally attuned interface that fosters a sense of belonging and comfort, crucial elements in encouraging sustained engagement with the smoking cessation program. The UX design not only serves as a bridge between technology and culture but also enhances the overall effectiveness of the app by making it truly accessible and user-friendly for the Latinx community.
Content and Features: Creating an Interactive and Rewarding Program
Onboarding Questions: Personalization was key, achieved through onboarding questions that tailored the app to participants’ routines, providing personalized stats related to their habits.

Engagement Activities: Lessons included various activities like multiple choice questions and fill in the blanks, promoting active engagement. Practice exercises and journaling were integrated into the program to reinforce learning.

Record-Keeping and Data Features: Participants could track progress through record-keeping features, monitoring cigarettes smoked, money saved, and anxiety levels. Badges were awarded for completing lessons, exercises, and journaling, fostering a sense of accomplishment.

Notifications: To ensure adherence to the program, notifications were implemented, alerting participants of new lessons and prompting them to stay on track with exercises and journaling.
The result is an app that not only addresses the challenge of quitting smoking but does so in a culturally sensitive manner, respecting the daily lives and preferences of the Latinx community. By combining personalized content, engaging activities, and data-driven tracking, the app provides a comprehensive and effective 8-week smoking cessation program. Health Behavior Solutions now possesses a valuable tool to contribute to the well-being of the Latinx community in their journey to quit smoking.

Latinx Smoking Cessation App


Latinx Smoking Cessation App
